Since we often go with the flow of life, there are times when we get so used to how we’re living, we don’t pay attention to the gradual changes that are happening. Then, one day, we find ourselves stuck.
It’s as if we wake up one day and don’t know where we are— or how we got here. We find ourselves bedridden by our:
- thoughts
- choices
- attitudes
- beliefs
- habits
- friends
- lifestyles
The reality is that being stuck in our circumstances is something that most of us will have to face.

Where is Here?
By the time we realize that we’re somewhere we don’t want to be (or never thought we would be), things have often gotten to a very frustrating point.
In some cases, our lives are barely recognizable. Even the people closest to us can seem like strangers.
It can happen in our:
- marriages
- relationships with our children
- friendships
- careers
- finances
- physical health
- mental attitudes
- our outlooks
Living stuck requires an extraordinary amount of energy and takes an unhealthy toll on our lives. We can end up tired, confused, and unsure of a path to freedom.
One thing is for sure, we have DO have choices.
When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
NIV John5:6

Unable or Unwilling to Get “Un” Stuck
We have to discern the difference between being unable to move and unwilling to move.
If we’re totally honest, some of us would choose to be more comfortable or have others (or our circumstances) change—without wanting to get well for ourselves.
The good news is that no matter what is keeping us held in place, Jesus meets us where we are, brings us freedom, and provides the necessary healing that we need.
Instead of living stuck in our circumstances, we can live anchored—in Christ.
This Week
Our devotional for this week focuses on John 5:1-8 and how it relates to our personal circumstances. We will:
- identify the circumstances keeping us stuck
- take the opportunity to move closer in our relationship with Christ
- pray for insight and healing