Who wouldn’t want to be whole? It seems like a no-brainer. And, taken at face value, it can seem like an odd question. However, healing isn’t always so cut and dry.
For almost 2 years, I worked on a closed psychiatric unit—using an incredible amount of energy to help my patients heal— nothing worked.
Although I didn’t understand it (at the time), they had adapted to how they functioned.
With that in mind, let’s reflect on the man in verse 5. He spent 38 years in his circumstances—plenty of time to become accustomed to (and adapt to) a lifestyle.
In fact, over the years, I have watched the same type of scenario repeat with friends and family (in a lot less time). I’ve even struggled with it myself.
Sometimes our pits even feel like home…especially things like:
- toxic relationships
- weight issues
- unhealthy mindsets
- self-sabotaging habits
They become our comfort zones and we adapt.
Often, we mistakenly believe that if others (or outside circumstances) changed, then things would improve. Unfortunately, this approach blinds us to our own need for healing.
It keeps us stuck in place—and denial.
Though we may not be able to acknowledge it, sometimes we simple aren’t ready or willing to be healed.
Father, we thank you that we get to come to you with every part of our health— mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We are grateful that we are able to sit at your feet, hear your voice, give you our burdens, rest, and wait expectantly for your healing.
Father, you know me inside and out. Show me the areas that I don’t know need healing and those that I’m not willing to have healed. Lead me toward you and a wholeness that can only come from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Next Steps
We aren’t always aware of some of the hurts, habits, and hangups that are a part of how we function.
Over the next few days, as you pray and talk to Jesus, ask him to show you the parts of yourself that are hidden from your view and need to be healed.
Record any insights you observe in yourself and/or from scripture in your prayer journal.
Be blessed!