Feeling the need to only be positive or look on the bright side can severely weakens us emotionally.
Blame Vs. Forgiveness and Love
When we are stuck in a pit of blame, we don’t understand that we have the ability to climb out of it.
Keep the Weight Off: Pt. 1 Getting Started
We can end up feeling like a failure every time we successfully take the weight off, but are not able to maintain that weight loss.
Healing Isn’t So Cut and Dry
Who wouldn’t want to be whole? It seems like a no-brainer. And, taken at face value, it can seem like an odd question. However, healing isn’t always so cut and dry.
5 Barriers to Communication
As most of us already know, communicating isn’t always as easy as taking turns while we calmly speak and listen to each other.
ADHD and Weight Gain
In health and fitness, it is important to remember that we each have our own factors that contribute to where we are and which path we choose to take. For that reason, we have to keep in mind that there is no one size fits all approach.